Understanding benefits can be daunting for many people. When participants reach out by phone, web chat or message, I provide them with resources and clarification to help them best utilize their benefits.
Kate Neal, Customer Service Representative
As a customer service representative, I take calls to assist participants in understanding their eligibility for benefits, as well as how and when they can make changes to their benefits, and connect them to resources provided by their company, their benefits website, and their insurance carriers. In addition to taking calls, I respond to participants via web chat and through email. Understanding their benefits can be daunting for many people. When participants reach out by phone, web chat or message, as a customer service representative, I provide them with resources and clarification to help them best utilize their benefits. I love it when something clicks, and they have that ah-ha moment!
I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 11. While my parents did their best not to discuss healthcare hurdles in front of me, I quickly began to learn about deductibles, copays and preexisting conditions. When I began my career and enrolled in benefits on my own for the first time, my head swam with the new jargon of the health insurance world, and I struggled to understand fully how and what things were covered. Through my role now, I strive to provide as many resources as possible to all callers, to help them gain greater understanding. I take them through the summary plan descriptions and summary of benefits coverage on their website. I explain terms such as deductible, copay, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximum, in creative ways so that they understand. I also connect them to additional resources that support their plans for additional guidance.