I help guide participants and give them knowledge to inform their decisions, so they feel comfortable with the choices they make.
Brad Dalager, Customer Service Representative
I support health and pension benefits by talking with participants and answering their questions. I believe I really do help take some of the mystery out of healthcare and pension benefits.
A while back, my wife had some major health issues, so I had to learn a lot about my healthcare benefits as well as how to use them and what to expect. She ended up on disability, so we also had to deal with Social Security and Medicare. When I started at WTW, I hoped that I could help people with the knowledge I gained through my personal experiences. I really enjoy talking to everyone, all the way from retirees to my favorite — when parents of a newborn call and they have their baby with them.
You only pick healthcare once a year, and you only retire once in a lifetime, so these are events that people don’t have experience with. I help guide participants and give them knowledge to inform their decisions, so they feel comfortable with the choices they make. For me, it’s all about having a satisfied participant and a happy client.