The difference
that makes
the difference:
Our people
When it comes to quality benefits delivery, we’re the irrefutable leader. The difference? Our people.
Our colleagues are laser-focused on our purpose which is to “help millions of people, one at a time, to optimize their health and wealth opportunities.” To us, it’s more than technology, data, and analytics, or taking a phone call. It’s making sure all the details are correct, all the questions answered, the processes transparent. It’s being a true partner so the client knows they can trust their employees and retirees will be given the respect, information, and care they deserve.
To us it’s not just a skill set, it’s our mindset that drives everything we do. Read some of their stories below as they explain how they are focused and passionate every day to make a real difference - helping our clients and their participants in the complex world of health and wealth benefits.
I am often reminded of the importance of what we do—when we help someone enroll and get coverage in an emergency while they are waiting at the doctor's office.
Shilpi Ray, Administration Team Leader
As a leader in the Health and Welfare Administration group, my team and I help our clients’ employees and their families receive the best service and experience, both during benefits enrollment and after, when they use their coverage. Our commitment to excellence helps participant benefits information be passed to our benefits partners smoothly, ensuring participants and their families have uninterrupted health and wellness coverage. We consult with our clients to understand their employees’ needs around benefits administration technology and customize solutions that help participants make informed decisions around choosing and managing their benefits.
I am often reminded of the importance of what we do. When we help someone enroll and get coverage in an emergency while they are waiting at the doctor's office, or when they call our service center and tell us how we have helped them through the complexities of using their healthcare benefits, it energizes me. What we do touches the health and wellbeing of millions of participants every day.
Over the course of my career, I have seen the efforts and investments made to give the service center teams the tools they need to provide the best possible participant experience.
Sareeta Sims, Service Center Leader
I’ve been working at WTW for 15 years and am the location leader for the Benefits Accounts service center. Our teams are located in Tampa, Florida, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As a leader in the service center, I work alongside colleagues who are talking to participants each day. Over the course of my career, I have seen the efforts and investments made to give the service center teams the tools they need to provide the best possible participant experience. It really brings me joy when my team can do their job well and give participants the care and time they deserve which is realized in the satisfaction from our clients. In addition to my day-to-day role, I am also a part of WTW’s Multicultural Inclusion Network and mentorship program.
From a very young age, I’ve always been interested in helping others. My father worked for decades in customer service for an airline, and my mother was in law enforcement. Although they were in very different industries, both were in the business of helping people. Whether they were assisting people get on their flight and to their destination without issue or supporting someone in a crisis, I grew up watching the most influential people in my life put others first.
I do everything with the vision of giving our customers a better experience, all with love and care.
Sreemoyee Roy, Technology Engineer
I started my journey with WTW two years ago, and it has been wonderful. My work is not “just a profession” for me. I love my job, and it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I realize that what I do affects one of the most important aspects of life, that is, the healthcare and wealth of our clients.
My daily responsibilities vary and involve writing code, primarily for our healthcare investment management platform. The functionalities we develop have an impact on how a participant logs into the system to file a claim or perform other activities. Being a member of the core technology team, I get enormous exposure to participant-facing services and interfaces, such as our web portal and the mobile app. I was part of the recent redesign of the portal and mobile app, which improved the participant experience with an informative dashboard and faster claim processing.
As I said, I love my job; there are new and interesting challenges every day. I am very thankful to have a supportive and collaborative manager and team surrounding me. Since joining WTW, I’ve gone to bed every night with a sense of accomplishment and something new that I’ve learned, which drives my motivation to see what the next day brings. I do everything with the vision of giving our customers a better experience, all with love and care.
Helping and guiding others through the retirement they have worked so hard for gives me a lot of purpose.
Andrianna Rokakis, Senior Administrator
My job as an actuarial consultant is very analytical in nature. Some of my tasks include consultant reviews, project management and training junior associates. In addition, I have internal responsibilities, including people management and recruitment. I am currently managing six employees and meet with them regularly to guide them in their careers. I’m also involved in interviewing potential employees and am in charge of university recruitment here in Montreal. I love that the sky is the limit here at WTW in in terms of your growth and career path; everyone is supportive, and this positive environment leads to great morale and tremendous opportunity for growth.
Making financial choices can be really challenging for everyone including myself. My role gives me the opportunity to apply my knowledge to help clarify and guide others in their decision-making process. Helping and guiding others through the retirement they have worked so hard for gives me a lot of purpose. Something about knowing I have made a difference in the world, even in the smallest way, brings me joy.
I help guide participants and give them knowledge to inform their decisions, so they feel comfortable with the choices they make.
Brad Dalager, Customer Service Representative
I support health and pension benefits by talking with participants and answering their questions. I believe I really do help take some of the mystery out of healthcare and pension benefits.
A while back, my wife had some major health issues, so I had to learn a lot about my healthcare benefits as well as how to use them and what to expect. She ended up on disability, so we also had to deal with Social Security and Medicare. When I started at WTW, I hoped that I could help people with the knowledge I gained through my personal experiences. I really enjoy talking to everyone, all the way from retirees to my favorite — when parents of a newborn call and they have their baby with them.
You only pick healthcare once a year, and you only retire once in a lifetime, so these are events that people don’t have experience with. I help guide participants and give them knowledge to inform their decisions, so they feel comfortable with the choices they make. For me, it’s all about having a satisfied participant and a happy client.
My largest motivator is the genuine gratitude we receive from employees who begin an interaction not knowing a lot about their health benefits and leave equipped to make responsible healthcare decisions.
Darnell Abston, Service Center Supervisor
As a service center supervisor, I manage complex participant issues that require in-depth knowledge, analysis and research to find solutions. I also handle training and development of my peers to ensure that we are meeting and exceeding the level of quality our clients have come to expect.
My role is integral to the employee experience. As a supervisor, it falls on me to make sure my team is knowledgeable about the health benefits offered, the process of enrolling and what to expect after enrollment is completed. If there is an issue, I really take it seriously and dig into the root cause to come up with a resolution.
My largest motivator is the genuine gratitude that we receive from employees who begin an interaction with us not knowing a lot when it comes to health benefits and leave equipped with the knowledge to make responsible decisions about their healthcare. I empathize with being unfamiliar with how health benefits work; I have learned so much during my time in this role. It’s very rewarding to be a part of that learning process and be able to pay it forward.
As a product manager, I know the critical importance of a great experience for our clients and participants. Every day, I strive to create the optimal solution for them.
Latha Dantuluri, Product Manager
I am responsible for identifying customer needs, creating and prioritizing the product road map, and then developing product features that will meet our business objectives in the retiree marketplace. I love the problem-solving aspect of my job that lets me use my learning and experience to create effective product solutions that benefit the organization and, especially, increase our retirees’ satisfaction with our services.
I relocated from India to the United States many years ago. My parents are my role models. They were not wealthy and taught me the importance of making the best use of every available resource. They also taught me how hard work and honesty are the keys to living an honorable life.
As a product manager, I know the critical importance of a great experience for our clients and participants. Every day, I strive to create the optimal solution for them. It is an honor to work for WTW, where customer satisfaction is our highest priority.